Workgrants are available according to need for Junior Gathering Staff positions. If you do not need financial assistance in order to attend the Gathering, you can choose to partially or fully waive your workgrant so that we can redistribute the funds to others. If you need more financial assistance than your workgrant amount, we will do our best to make up the difference with a scholarship award and/or additional workgrant.
Please be sure to indicate the amount of your financial need on your registration form.
Many monthly and yearly meetings have funds available to assist members and attenders in traveling to Quaker events. Yours might be happy to support you in this way-- please ask, so that we can extend our financial assistance as widely as possible!
We both invite your generosity, if finances are not a barrier for you, and encourage you to ask for assistance, if the cost would otherwise discourage you from attending the Gathering. We want you to join us!