2024 Quaker Organization Presentation Request

The online and paper hand-outs available at the Gathering will include a hand-out listing names, times and brief descriptions of Quaker Organization presentations.  When you write this description (below), please remember that some Friends may not know your organization.  Start with a descriptive sentence about your organization, and then give brief details about the presentation (which could include information about content, focus, format, etc.).

Descriptive paragraphs should be limited to 75 words and may be edited for length and clarity.

The deadline for Quaker Organization Presentation Requests is May 31, 2024.

Primary Contact Person for Events
This person will receive emails from FGC about your center at the Gathering, and is responsible for meeting FGC deadlines.

Presentation Information

Not more than 75 words, please!
Many different events are scheduled in the afternoons, and we are not able to provide information about what might "compete" with a particular time slot.  Please select your first, second, and third choices for this presentation's timing, and use the comments box below to give us other scheduling guidance (e.g., "don't schedule against FLGBTQC worship").

Click *Submit* below to complete the Organization Presentation Request form.