Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
I would like to list a job posting with a Quaker organization/business
Link to job posting
Salary Range
Jobs will not be posted without this information
I would like to promote an event in Vitality, FGC's weekly newsletter.
Is this an upcoming event?
Are you requesting a news release for a past event?
What is the date of the event that you are promoting?
Must be minimum 14 days, and not more than 6 months, from today's date
meeting, organization, or other group is hosting the event that you are promoting?
List Meeting, committee, or organization here
Please describe what you are promoting in a few sentences.
This may not be the exact wording that appears on your post.
What kind(s) of publicity are you seeking for this event?
a 60-word blurb and flyer in Vitality
an article or essay on the FGC website
a standalone email to a specific community
If other, please describe:
Here is my 60-word blurb for the Vitality newsletter:
Here is the plain text copy for my article or essay:
Here is the plain text copy I would like in my requested email:
What group/community are you looking to reach with this email?
If you have an image to accompany your message, please include it here. (High resolution preferred)
FGC will post on social media in accordance with our Social Media Policy. FGC programs take priority over partner programs.
You may use this space to upload any additional images, such as your group logo or a book cover.
Image Upload:
This could be a book cover, the logo of your organization, etc.
Image Upload:
This could be a book cover, the logo of your organization, etc.
Image Upload:
This could be a book cover, the logo of your organization, etc.
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Contact Information