2025 FGC Gathering Workshop Proposal Form

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Page 1 - Personal and Contact Information

This form is for those interested in leading a workshop for the 2025 FGC Gathering, February 1 - 9, 2025, held online.

The deadline to submit a workshop proposal has been extended to Monday, September 30, 2024.

Learn more about proposing a workshop for the 2025 FGC Gathering on our website.

Workshop Leader One

We ask for pronouns so we know how to address you

NOTE: We ask for demographic information to help see and understand patterns in our culture and make informed decisions. If you're unsure about what we’re asking for and/or why, please let the Gathering Co-Clerks know - we’re happy to talk to you about it fgc2025gatheringclerks@gmail.com

or other Quaker affiliation

If you have one you would like communications staff to use in Gathering publicity

Workshop Leader Two

We ask for pronouns so we know how to address you

or other Quaker affiliation

If you have one you would like communications staff to use in Gathering publicity

Workshop Leader Three

We ask for pronouns so we know how to address you

or other Quaker affiliation

If you have one you would like communications staff to use in Gathering publicity

Page 2 - Public Information for the Website

50 character maximum

50 character maximum
Description of the Workshop

Please write a workshop description of less than 1,000 words. Please avoid ‘buzz’ words or phrases not known to all, and use complete sentences. It should include the following:

  • Your expectations and objectives for the week.
  • A list of the specific areas or topics that you expect to cover. For some workshops this might include things that the workshop will NOT cover.
  • A rough description of the format. This might include an estimate of the time to be spent in worship (most groups find 10 to 25 minutes daily gives good spiritual grounding), writing activities (poetry, journaling, etc.), or other activities (role play, guided meditation, lecture, interactive exercises, discussion, etc.).
  • Any specific recommendations for advanced reading, or reading assignments during the Gathering.
  • Any specific requests for items to bring to the workshop, such as your journal, art supplies, etc.
  • Any materials cost you expect participants to pay.

This description is initially for the workshop sub-committee, but will be published online if your workshop is accepted. Given the shortened timeline of this Gathering season, you will not be able to edit the description before it gets published.

50 character maximum

Time Breakdown
Please indicate below the percentage of time to be spent on each of these types of activities (total should not be over 100%). Some Friends find these estimates very useful in selecting a workshop to meet their needs.

Workshops that welcome part-timers also have a strong core of full-time attenders.

Workshops that welcome part-timers also have a strong core of full-time attenders.

Page 3 - Additional Practical Information

Workshop size
The average group size is about 20. Some are larger; some are smaller.

Workshop Timeslots
We have three different options for workshop formats at the online gathering: 
  • a single half day session on one of the weekend days (4 hours total including breaks)
  • 2 half day sessions on consecutive weekend days (8 hours total including breaks, split into two 4-hour sessions)
  • a Monday-Friday workshop (10 hours total including breaks, split into five 2-hour sessions). Three timeslots are available for weekday workshops to support Friends with different time zones and schedules being able to join.
Please let us know your schedule preferences below. 
Yes, this timeblock works for me
If Need Be
No, I do not want my workshop in this timeblock

Other: please specify

Page 4 - Additional Information for the Consideration of the Workshop Sub-Committee

Letters of Support
We ask everybody who’s interested in leading a workshop to submit a letter of support that will help us understand your skills at leading the proposed workshop. Send the separate Workshop Leader(s) Letter of Support form to one or more Friends who are familiar with your ability to facilitate an interactive workshop on this topic. Ideally one of these Friends would have previously attended the Gathering. If there is more than one workshop leader, you may have separate letters of support or one letter of support from someone who knows both of you.

We need to receive letters of support by September 30. They should be emailed to gathering@fgcquaker.org.
Note: If you offered a similar workshop at the 2023 or 2024 Gathering, the letter of support is optional, since we can read the participants’ evaluations.